Penny Raby
Penny has practised as a Family Lawyer since 1980. She was a partner with Armitage Sykes & Hinchcliffe in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, until 1994 when she moved back to her native Midlands to marry Mike Gordon. Penny Raby & Co. was set up in 1995 in Pershore, Worcestershire. She has appeared on television and radio on behalf of local and national Law Societies in Yorkshire and Worcestershire. She was the first Lady President of Worcestershire Law Society in 1995/96 and served a second term as President in 2003/04. She is currently Chair of the National Sole Practitioners’ Group for solicitors. She is a member of Resolution, the national family Lawyers’ Association, and has served as President of the West Yorkshire and Worcestershire committees. Penny enjoys reading and country walking and is a Church Warden at St. Mary’s Wick. She also enjoys performing the mini pantomime (Snow White & The Seven Small Business People and variations thereupon!) she devised with Mike Gordon, which they have toured internationally, for networking, charity, and family occasions.

Mike Gordon
Mike qualified as a Chartered Management Accountant in 1984. He had an early career in a wide range of accountancy and financial management roles with major PLCs such as British Leyland, Black & Decker, and Unigate. He progressed to a number of private ventures, mainly involved in distribution and logistics in the period 1990 – 1996. He established the initial administration and back-office systems for Penny Raby & Co. and as the firm developed a niche practice in money cases, he joined as a full-time consultant in 1998. He was instrumental in achieving Lexcel status for the firm in 2004. Mike plays an active role in the Pershore business and social community and is an active networker both locally and nationally, online and off! For leisure, he enjoys gardening aka the grunt work for Penny’s many thriving fruit and vegetable beds in Wick. And for pleasure it has to be his lifelong passion for GOLF! Handicap permanently 9.9… just into single figures. And finally… Penny and Mike are happily married… to each other and have two adult children, two grandchildren, and a certain dog.